Minecraft Evoker

Minecraft Evoker

Evoker.pngEvoker attacking.png
Health points
24Heart.svg × 12
Attack strength
6Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg[JE only]
Easy: 4Heart.svgHeart.svg
Normal: 6Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg
Hard: 9Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHalf Heart.svg
Height: 1.95 Blocks
Width: 0.6 Blocks


Woodland mansions

Individual evokers spawn during the generation of particular woodland mansion rooms. They will not respawn after their initial spawn. Evokers spawned with mansions do not naturally despawn, unless the world is switched to Peaceful mode. Evokers may also rarely spawn as a raid captain.
They will not despawn when switched to Peaceful mode nor can they spawn as a raid captain.‌[BE only]


Java Edition

Up to 5 evokers spawn during raids, starting at wave 5. During these events, they have a rare chance of being a raid captain.

Bedrock Edition

Up to 5 evokers spawn during raids, with 1 Evoker spawning during waves 5 and 6, and 3 Evokers spawning during wave 7. One of them will ride a Ravager during wave 7.


Evokers drop when dying:
  • Totem of Undying, the Looting enchantment does not increase this drop.
  • 0–1 Emerald if killed by the player, with an increase by 1 with each level of looting (0-4 maximum).
  • Illager Banner.png Ominous banner, if they spawn as a wave leader in raid or pick up an ominous banner from the ground.


Evokers will attack playersbaby villagers[JE & LCE only], adult villagers, iron golemswandering traders and snow golems[BE only] within 12 blocks.
If the player is within a 10 block radius and the evoker is not in the middle of summoning an attack, the evoker will flee from the player to avoid being attacked.
The evoker has two different attack methods: fang attack and summoning vexes. When attacking, the evoker is much more likely to use a fang attack, and may immediately follow it up by summoning some vexes.
When evokers are ready to attack, they will raise their arms and wave them and also produce different colored particles for the different attacks.
During raids, evokers can open doors as villagers. ‌[Java Edition only]

Fang attack

An evoker attacking with its fangs.

An evoker summoning fangs in 2 circles around it.
The evoker signals this attack by producing lilac colored particles () and a low-pitched horn-like sound. A number of fangs rise out of the ground, then snap shut and vanish. Non-illager mobs caught in the attack are dealt 6Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg damage in normal mode (regardless of difficulty‌[JE only]). This damage is not mitigated by armor but is mitigated by enchantments such as Protection.
Fangs will appear no lower than the feet of the lowest combatant, and no higher than one block above the feet of the highest combatant. Fangs will attempt to appear on the highest opaque block between those two extremes but will fail to spawn if they are obstructed by a solid block. In practice, this means that fangs will not spawn in deep pits or on top of high walls, but may, for example, go up a staircase if the target is at the top and the evoker at the bottom, or vice versa.
The evoker would usually summon its fangs in a straight line towards the target but if the target is very close to the evoker, the evoker will summon them in 2 circles around it.
Summoning fangs resets the evoker's spell cooldown to 5 seconds, and resets the cooldown for summoning fangs to 17 seconds.

Summoning vexes

An evoker summoning vexes.
The evoker signals this attack by producing white particles () and a higher-pitched horn-like sound. Three vexes appear nearby. The evoker will summon vexes even if there are some still left alive from the last summoning.
This spell resets the evoker's spell cooldown to 2 seconds, and resets the cooldown for summoning vexes to 5 seconds.

Sheep color conversion spell

An evoker using its sheep color conversion spell.

After the spell, the sheep is red.
While the evoker is not engaged in combat and /gamerule mobGriefing is set to true, it will change the wool color of any blue sheep within 16 blocks to red. It signals the spell by producing orange color particles () and making a "wololo" sound. In Bedrock Edition, evokers can still change a sheep's color when /gamerule mobGriefing is set to false.
This spell resets the evoker's spell cooldown to 3 seconds, and resets the cooldown for the sheep color conversion spell to 7 seconds.


In Java Edition illagers are able to spawn reinforcements, including evokers, if one of them is attacked by an invisible mob or player and there were no visible mobs or players that they naturally attack, around.

Evoker Fangs

Evoker Fangs
Evoker Fangs.png
  • Snap
Internal ID
Network ID
JE: 79
BE: 103
Namespaced ID
Evoker fangs are the entities that evokers use to attack the player with their fang attack.
The individual fangs in an evoker's fang attacks each have a delay. Before the delay is over, the fangs cannot be seen, although unlike truly invisible entities, fangs in warmup still have a visible debug hitbox. After the delay, the fangs expand into existence, snap shut, and shrink out of sight again, dealing 6Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg magic damage to all creatures standing on the spot. Naturally spawned fangs do not harm illagers, but player-spawned ones do.
Evoker fangs are not affected by Peaceful difficulty.

Data values


EntityNamespaced ID
 Evoker Fangsevoker_fangs
EntityNamespaced IDNumeric ID
 Evoker Fangsevocation_fang103

Entity Data

Evokers have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the mob.
  •  Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities [show]
    • Tags common to all mobs [show]
    • Tags common to all mobs spawnable in raids [show]
    •  SpellTicks: Number of ticks until a spell can be cast. Set to a positive value when a spell is cast, and decreases by 1 per tick.
Evocation fangs are also entities which have associated entity data.
  •  Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities [show]
    •  Warmup: Time in ticks until the fangs appear. The fangs appear and begin to close as soon as this value becomes zero or less; negative values simply result in no delay. The value continues ticking down while the closing animation is playing, and will reach -20 on naturally spawned fangs.
    •  Owner: Contains information about the entity who owns the evocation fangs.
      •  OwnerUUIDLeast: Least significant bits of the Universally Unique IDentifier of the fangs' owner, to be joined with OwnerUUIDMost to form a unique ID.
      •  OwnerUUIDMost: Most significant bits of the Universally Unique IDentifier of the fangs' owner, to be joined with OwnerUUIDLeast to form a unique ID.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)AvailabilityXbox points earnedTrophy type (PS)
Monster HunterAttack and destroy a monsterKill a hostile mob or one of the following neutral mobs: enderman, zombie pigman, spider, cave spider.Xbox OneYesYesYes15GBronze
Xbox 360Alt20G
Feeling IllDefeat an EvokerYesYesYesYes30GSilver


IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionParentActual requirements (if different)Internal ID
Advancement-plain-raw.pngAdventureAdventure, exploration, and combatKill any entity, or be killed by any entity.minecraft:adventure/root
Advancement-plain-raw.pngMonster HunterKill any hostile monsterAdventureKill one of these 25 mobs. Other mobs are ignored for this advancement.minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob
Advancement-fancy-raw.pngMonsters HuntedKill one of every hostile monsterMonster HunterKill each of these 25 mobs. Other mobs may be killed, but are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:adventure/kill_all_mobs


Java Edition
1.1116w39aAdded evokers.
16w43aAdded the  Owner tag to evocation fangs.
1.13pre5The entity ID is changed from evocation_illager to evoker.
Evocation Fangs name and ID changed to Evoker Fangs.
1.1418w47aEvokers can now spawn in raids.
19w05aEvokers are hostile towards the new wandering traders.
19w13aEvokers can open doors during raids.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha evokers.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta are now hostile to the new wandering traders.
1.11.0beta can now spawn during raids.
Evokers are no longer hostile to baby villagers.
Legacy Console Edition
TU54CU441.52Patch 24Patch 4Added evokers and evocation fangs.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.9.19Added evokers and evocation fangs.


Issues relating to "Evoker" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Minecraft's "Meet the Evoker" shows an Evoker with a hat, which is the similar model of the Illusioner's.[1]
    • This hat model is also seen in the Witch, Nitwit, Librarian, Priest and Vindicator's texture file but unused.
  • The sheep color conversion spell is a reference to priests in a video game named "Age of Empires", where they can turn enemy units into friendly units after making a "Wololo" sound.



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