Minecraft Chorus Fruit

Minecraft Chorus Fruit

Chorus Fruit
Chorus Fruit.png
4 (Hunger.svgHunger.svg)
Yes (64)


Chorus fruit can be obtained by breaking chorus plant blocks.


When eaten, chorus fruit restores 4 (Hunger.svgHunger.svg) hunger and 2.4 hunger saturation, and does not require the player to have less than a full hunger bar to eat. The player may also be teleported: up to 16 attempts are made to choose a random destination within ±8 on all three axes in the same manner as enderman teleportation, with the exception that the player may teleport into a 2 block high area. The chorus fruit, unlike an ender pearl, can teleport the player through solid blocks. However, the tendency to avoid water remains, and the player cannot teleport into a space occupied by water or lava. If a teleport succeeds, a sound similar to an enderman teleporting plays originating from the teleportation origin location. Chorus fruit has a cooldown of 1 second before being able to be used again. The cooldown is represented by a white overlay on the chorus fruit in the hotbar.


IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionParentActual requirements (if different)Internal ID
Advancement-plain-raw.pngHusbandryThe world is full of friends and foodEat anything that can be eaten.minecraft:husbandry/root
Advancement-fancy-raw.pngA Balanced DietEat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for youA Seedy PlaceEat each of these 38 foods. In Java Edition 1.15[upcoming], consuming a honey bottle is also required for the advancement. Other foods are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:husbandry/balanced_diet


Java Edition
1.915w31aChorus Fruit Revision 1.png Added chorus fruit.
15w34cA cooldown for using chorus fruit has now been added.
15w37aThe chorus fruit's teleportation range has now been reduced from ±32 to ±8.
15w50aAdded a sound for chorus fruit: item.chorus_fruit.teleport.
1.1016w21aChorus fruit can now teleport riders off their mounts.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this item's numeral ID was 432.
1.1418w43aChorus Fruit.png The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha Fruit Revision 1.png Added chorus fruit.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta Fruit.png The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU46CU361.38Patch 151.0.1Chorus Fruit Revision 1.png Added chorus fruit.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.90Chorus Fruit.png The texture of chorus fruit has now been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.7.10Chorus Fruit Revision 1.png Added chorus fruit.


Issues relating to "Chorus Fruit" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


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