Minecraft Enchanting Table

Minecraft Enchanting Table

Enchanting Table
Enchanting Table.png
JE: No
BE: Yes (12)
Blast resistance
Yes (64)
Catches fire from lava


An enchanting table can be obtained by crafting or mining. If mined without a pickaxe, it drops nothing.
BlockEnchantment Table
Breaking time[note 1]


The enchanting table is 34 blocks high.
It cannot be moved by pistons. If an enchanting table is placed on ice, the player slides on it as though it is an ice block, just like with slabs.


Enchanting interface.
The enchanting table's main purpose is to enchant items. The table can enchant all tools, armor and gear except hoes[Bedrock and Legacy Console editions only]shearsflint and steelcarrot on a stickshieldelytracarved pumpkinmob headlead and horse armor; all of these (excluding leads and horse armor) can instead be enchanted using an anvil and an appropriate enchanted book.
When a bookshelf is placed next to an enchanting table (with one block of air in between) it increases the maximum enchantment level. There must be 15 bookshelves around the enchanting table in order to obtain the maximum enchantment level of 30. See enchantment mechanics for more specific details.

Light source

Enchanting tables emit a light level of 12.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

Standard Galactic Alphabet

Glyphs flowing from the bookshelves animation.
The arcane glyphs that float from bookshelves to the enchanting table and the cryptic runes in the enchanting table's interface are written in the Standard Galactic Alphabet, which is a simple alphabet substitution cipher used in the Commander Keen series of computer games.
Standard Galactic Alphabet.png
The arcane glyphs cannot be seen if "particles" in the video settings is set to "minimal".
The cryptic runes seen in the interface are randomly constructed from the following list of words:
air animal ball beast berata bless cold creature cthulhu cube curse darkness demon destroy dry earth elder elemental embiggen enchant fhtagnbaguette fiddle fire free fresh galvanize grow hot humanoid ignite imbue inside klaatu light limited mental mglwnafh niktu of other phnglui physical range rlyeh scrolls self shorten shrink snuff sphere spirit stale stretch the towards twist undead water wet wgahnagl xyzzy
Three to five words are chosen from the list and appended to each other, then displayed in the Standard Galactic Alphabet. The words chosen are random and purely cosmetic: they have no relation to the enchantments to be applied to the item and are not saved on the enchanted item (meaning they say nothing about the spell's identity), and they are displayed only in the enchanting table. Only the cost and one of the enchantments is known.

Custom name

By default, the GUI of an enchanting table is labeled "Enchant", but this name can be customized by naming the enchanting table in an anvil before placing it, or by changing the CustomName tag using the /data command.


SoundSubtitleNamespaced IDSubtitle IDSourcePitchVolumeMin. volume
No subtitleblock.enchantment_table.use(Plays when item is enchanted)????

Data values


Enchanting TableNamespaced ID
 Block entity
Enchantment TableNamespaced IDNumeric ID
 Block entityEnchantTable-

Block entity

An enchanting table has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.
  •  Block entity data
    • Tags common to all block entities 
    •  CustomName: Optional. The name of this container in JSON text component, which display in its GUI where the default name ordinarily appears.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)AvailabilityXbox points earnedTrophy type (PS)
EnchanterUse a book, obsidian and diamonds to construct an enchantment tablePick up an enchantment table from a crafting table output.YesPS3YesYes20GSilver
PS4, PSVitaBronze


IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionParentActual requirements (if different)Internal ID
Advancement-plain-raw.pngEnchanterEnchant an item at an Enchanting TableDiamonds!minecraft:story/enchant_item


Java Edition
1.0.0September 30, 2011First mentions of the enchantment table.[2][3]. In a picture Notch posted of the enchantment table,[4] they Enchanting Table (pre-release).png were originally made with cobblestone instead of obsidian.
October 1, 2011The first images of the enchantment screen are revealed, with enchantments written in the Standard Galactic Alphabet. The first enchantment translates onto "Well Played Internets You Are Good", the second translated into "These Names Will Be Random And Confusing", and the third translates to "Each Spell Costs Experience Levels". The Standard Galactic Alphabet or SGA was originally created by Tom Hall for use in the Commander Keen series of computer games.
October 3, 2011The first images of a player wearing enchanted armor are revealed.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Enchanting Table Revision 1.png Basics of enchanting have been added, along with the enchanting table. It does not require bookshelves to get maximum enchantments. Many enchantments are not yet in the game. Enchantments are to be labeled in the enchanting table as random words written in the Standard Galactic Alphabet.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4A bug where all enchantments would show up as Feather Falling I has been fixed.
Enchanting has been now properly enabled enchanting on multiplayer. Previously, if a player attempted to enchant an item, it appeared enchanted for the client, but updated with the un-enchanted status once the player logged out and then back in again.
1.1?Added four bow enchantments: Power, Flame, Punch, and Infinity.
1.2.112w05aEnchanting no longer requires experience in Creative mode.
12w06aBows and golden swords now have a small chance of being already enchanted when dropped by their respective mobs.
1.3.112w17aIce and glass panes can again now be collected with a Silk Touch-enchanted tool.
12w22aThe maximum enchantment power has been lowered from 50 to 30.
Experience is now collectable with mining and smelting in a furnace.
12w23aGlint (animated glow effect) on enchanted tools and armor is now visible on multiplayer.
1.4.212w34aFlame enchanted bows now ignite TNT blocks.
12w41aEnchantments can now be combined using anvils, allowing some high level enchantments to be applied where they were not previously possible.
1.4.4preEnchantments can now be applied using /enchant. However, Protection is unavailable due to a bug.
1.4.612w49a/enchant now works with ID 0, meaning it can be used to apply protection.
The player can now enchant books to then be used to enchant a tool.
12w50aAdded a new armor enchantment: Thorns.
The player can now add the Silk Touch enchantment to shears and the Unbreaking enchantment to anything that has durability.
Efficiency has been nerfed a bit, so that enchanted tools that don't match the block the player is breaking no longer work as quickly as before (e.g. Efficiency V Pickaxes no longer instantly break dirt or wood logs).
1.5?Efficiency has been completely nerfed when using tools on the wrong block types - they now break the block at the same rate as the player's bare fists.
1.7.213w36aAdded two fishing rod enchantments: Luck of the Sea and Lure.
The fishing rod can now be enchanted without the use of books.
Armor can now receive unbreaking without the use of books.
1.814w02aEnchanting has received a major overhaul where there is now a secondary cost, which is lapis lazuli.
When enchanting an item, one enchantment now appears in the tooltip when selecting an enchantment (e.g Looting III?...).
Levels are hard to obtain again (like pre-1.3 settings.)
Level 5 enchants (Sharpness, Power, Smite & Bane of Arthropods) can now be applied without the use of an anvil.
Villager trading has been revamped, causing clerics to no longer enchant items, while black apron villagers trade enchanted items.
14w04aLooting now give a 1 percentage point increase per level to the chance of getting rare drops.
14w25aAdded a new enchantment for boots: Depth Strider.
1.915w36aReduced benefits for Sharpness and the protection enchantments. Previously, Sharpness added 1.25Half Heart.svg damage per level; see Armor/Before 1.9#Enchantments for the effect of pre-1.9 Protection.
15w42aAdded Frost Walker and Mending enchantments.
When multiple pieces of Thorns armor are worn, one is chosen at random instead of always using the "bottommost" piece.
Enchantments with max 1 level no longer displays the level, e.g. "Infinity" rather than "Infinity I".
15w43aFrost Walker no longer works on flowing water.
15w43cLure no longer affects loot.
15w44aMending is now available at lower enchantment levels.
15w47bSilk Touch may no longer be added to shears.
15w47cSilk Touch is no longer required to collect cobwebs.
15w49aFrost Walker now works when standing on transparent blocks.
15w51aFrost Walker no longer affects water blocks that do not have an air block above.
1.1016w20aMobs with frost walker boots no longer take damage when walking on the new magma blocks.
1.1116w32aThe block entity ID for the enchantment table is changed from EnchantTable to enchanting_table.
16w39aAdded Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing.
1.11.116w50aAdded a new enchantment for swords: Sweeping Edge.
Infinity and Mending are now mutually exclusive.
?Anvils no longer allow enchanted books to apply to items, if no change in enchantments would take effect. This can occur if all enchantments on the book are incompatible with existing enchantments on the item – or if the enchanted book has no enchantments.
1.1317w47aRenamed "Enchantment Table" to "Enchanting Table".
Hoes can now be enchanted.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 116.
18w07aThe addition of tridents has added 4 new enchantments that can be applied to them: Loyalty, Impaling, Riptide, and Channeling.
18w08bRespiration no longer grants enhanced vision underwater.
18w14aRiptide is now no longer compatible with Loyalty or Channeling.
1.1418w43aEnchanting Table Revision 2.png Changed enchanting table textures.
Added 3 new enchantments for crossbows: Multishot, Quick Charge, and Piercing.
18w44aEnchanting Table Revision 3.png Changed the obsidian texture.
18w46aEnchanting Tables are no longer transparent from the bottom.
18w50aEnchanting Table TextureUpdate.png Changed the obsidian texture once again.
19w02aProtection, blast protection, fire protection, and projectile protection are no longer mutually exclusive.[5]
1.14.3Pre-Release 2Changes from 19w02a were reverted, so now it is impossible to combine protection, blast protection, fire protection, and projectile protection.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.12.1build 1Added the enchanting system and enchantment tables.
Enchantment tables now emit a light level of 12.
Enchantment tables can now be crafted on the stonecutter.
Added enchantment tables to the Creative mode inventory.
build 11Enchanting tables are now craftable in the crafting table, instead of the stonecutter.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha Mending and Frost Walker enchantments.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0Added Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing enchantments, but they are obtainable only via trading with librarians.
?Curse enchantments are no longer obtainable via trading.
Hoes can no longer be enchanted in enchanting tables.
1.4.0beta Loyalty, Impaling, Riptide, and Channeling as part of Experimental Gameplay, able to be applied to the new tridents.
beta Experimental Gameplay is enabled, tridents can now be enchanted.
beta implemented Loyalty, Impaling, Riptide, and Channeling.
Tridents are now fully implemented and can now be enchanted.
1.8.0beta 3 new enchantments for crossbows: Multishot, Quick Charge, and Piercing.
1.10.0beta Table TextureUpdate.png Changed enchanting table textures.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU11.0Patch 1Patch 1Added the enchanting system and enchanting tables.
TU31CU191.22Patch 3Added the Luck of the Sea, Lure and Depth Strider enchantments.
Enchanting now consumes lapis lazuli.
Enchanting has now been re-balanced.
Enchanted Books can now receive multiple enchants at once.
TU43CU331.36Patch 13Added the Frost Walker and Mending enchantments.
TU54CU441.52Patch 24Patch 4Added Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing.
TU691.76Patch 38The addition of tridents has added 4 new enchantments that can be applied to them: Loyalty, Impaling, Riptide, and Channeling.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.90Enchanting Table TextureUpdate.png Changed enchanting table textures.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Added enchantments.
1.9.19Added the Frost Walker and Mending enchantments.


Black-textured particles are "fired" into the bookshelves, which later emit the corresponding particle to the enchantment table. (Visible on the red book on the top-left bookshelf, and above the green book on the bottom-left bookshelf, and in the animation farther up the page as a brief flicker).
  • The enchantment table actually produces the particles emitted from the bookshelves. These particles originate inside the Enchantment table and are relocated to the bookshelf almost immediately, but travel slow enough to be briefly visible. The particle that enters and leaves the bookshelf is always the same "letter", but the ones traveling into the bookshelves are black.
  • Enchantment tables are mostly made of obsidian, and thus have a blast resistance of 6,000 and cannot be destroyed by TNT.
  • Enchantment tables are midway between slabs and full blocks height-wise, so they could be potentially used as a TNT cannon's range-amplifier instead of slabs or trapdoors
  • When the player is invisible, the enchantment table can still "see" the player and open up.
  • On the enchantment screen, captions in the Standard Galactic Alphabet includes several in-jokes:
    • On October 1, 2011, Notch tweeted an image of the enchantment screen, with enchantments .[6] The first enchantment translates into "Well Played Internets You Are Good", the second translated into "These Names Will Be Random And Confusing", and the third translates to "Each Spell Costs Experience Levels".
    • Three of the possible words for enchantments are "the elder scrolls," likely a joke at Bethesda, creator of "The Elder Scrolls" series and whose parent company, Zenimax, attempted to sue Mojang for the name of their game Scrolls.
    • The words "klaatu berata niktu" are a (misspelled) reference to "Klaatu barada nikto", a phrase that originates from the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still and has been since used as a reference in many other movies, cartoons and games.
    • Similarly, "Xyzzy" is a magic spell in the game "Colossal Cave Adventure" and has been used in several other games as an Easter Egg or cheat code.
    • The word "embiggen" is a fictional word coined by The Simpsons quote: "A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man".
    • The words "phnglui mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagnbaguette" are a quote from H. P. Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu," apart from the extra "baguette" at the end.
  • On the block can be seen the Book, Obsidian and Diamonds used to craft it, but the red blanket appears from nowhere
  • Of the list of words that the enchantment table uses, none of the words contain the letters "J" or "Q". Although they are not used in the words, they do have a symbol attached to them, and can be seen moving from the bookshelf and the table.



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